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STAB core persons
STAB coordinators
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STAB core persons
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Alejandro DomĂnguez RodrĂguez
I am Alejandro DomĂnguez RodrĂguez, an Assistant Professor in the Psychology, Health and Technology section at the University of Twente. My research is centred on improving…
Bell Piyasinchai
Transitioning Toward Sustainability
Caspar Krampe
Hello, my name is Caspar Krampe, I work as an assistant professor at Wageningen University. In my research, I investigate the impact of innovative technologies (hardware) on…
Claudia Kitz
I am a Postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Organizational Psychology at the University of Groningen. In my main line of research, I am interested in situations…
Cristhian Martinez
My name is Cristhian MartĂnez, I am an Assistant Professor at the Social Psychology department at the University of Groningen. My broad interest is to better understand how…
Daniel Redhead
I’m Daniel Redhead and I’m an incoming assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Groningen. I was trained as an undergraduate in Archaeology and Anthropology at…
Elifcan Karacan
I am an Assistant Professor of Public Governance and Transformation at the Twente University. My research specializes in inequality, mobility, globalization, and migration.…
Elliot Sharpe
I am an Assistant Professor of Environmental Psychology at the University of Groningen.
Freek de Haan
Freek de Haan is an assistant professor of Sociology and Public Administration at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. My…
Holly Harris
I am Holly Harris, an Assistant Professor at the EUR. My research interests lie in understanding the nuances of nutritional behaviours among the youth and the complex…
Inge Merkelbach
Community initiatives for sustainable and healthy food choices
Islam Borinca
I am Islam Borinca, an assistant professor at the University of Groningen. I am a researcher in the field of social and political psychology where I examine intergroup…
Julian Villodre
The following project is shared with: Petra van den Bekerom, Tanachia Ashikali, Nadine Raaphorst, Andrei Poama, Johan Christensen, and Martin Sievert.
Laura Ripoll Gonzaělez
Here, briefly introduce yourself before presenting your project below.
Lianne Visser
Lianne Visser, MSc (Project lead)
Lizet Kuitert
I am Lizet Kuitert, an assistant professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Public Administration and Sociology. My main research topic is the integration of…
Loes Abrahams
I am Loes Abrahams, Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Psychology at Tilburg University. My research focuses on intraindividual variability in work contexts…
Lukas Obholzer
Here, briefly introduce yourself before presenting your project below.
Marc Vives Moya
Shortening representations facilitates fear extinction.
Martin Sievert
Here, briefly introduce yourself before presenting your project below.
Maud de Groot
Hello, my name is Maud de Groot. I’m a PhD candidate at the Psychology faculty of the Open University. My background is in Applied Psychology, Social Psychology and…
Maximilian A. Friehs
Hi, I’m Max and I work at the University of Twente (NL) in the section of Psychology of Conflict, Risk and Safety. After getting my PhD from Trier University (GER) I worked…
Meeke Hoedjes
Hi everyone, I am Meeke Hoedjes. I am employed as assistant professor at the department of Medical and Clinical Psychology at Tilburg University since September 2017. I am…
Melis Kirgil
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Organization Studies at Tilburg University. I completed my PhD in Sociology at Stockholm University and was a visiting PhD…
Patrick Klaiber
My name is Patrick Klaiber and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology. In my research, I examine daily life across the adult life span…
Radhika Gupta
Assistant Professor, Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Rik Joosen
Here, briefly introduce yourself before presenting your project below.
Roel Lutkenhaus
Hi, I’m dr. Roel Lutkenhaus, assistant professor in media and communication at the department of communication science at the University of Twente. I study the role of…
Roy Kemmers
My name is Roy Kemmers, and I am an Assistant Professor in Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I hold a PhD in sociology from this same University (2022). Apart from…
Sanne Raghoebar
My name is Sanne Raghoebar and I am an Assistant Professor in Societal Transitions and Behavior Change at the Consumption and Healthy Lifestyles Group of Wageningen…
Sarahanne Field
I’m Dr. Sarahanne Field. I’m a metascientist, which means that I use the scientific method to study scientists, scientific practices, and the scientific culture and context…
Stefan Cetkovic
My name is Stefan Ćetković and I am an assistant professor in environmental and energy policy and politics at the Institute of Political Science at Leiden University. My…
Thomas GĂĽltzow
I am Thomas Gültzow, an assistant professor at the Open University. I am a researcher in the field of (health) behavior and I am passionate about empowering people to make…
Thomas Teekens
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Sociology at the University of Groningen, and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research and Training Center SCOOP…
Tom Junker
Hello, I am Tom Junker, Assistant Professor at the Department of Human Resource Studies at Tilburg University. Prior to joining Tilburg University, I worked at Erasmus…
Vivian Visser
I am Vivian Visser, an assistant professor at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of Erasmus University Rotterdam, with a background in philosophy, urban…
Yuan Yi Zhu
The extinction of states within the international system
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STAB coordinators
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Cees Leeuwis
I am Cees Leeuwis, and currently professor of Collaborative Research, Communication and Change at the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation group of Wageningen University. I…
Gjalt-Jorn Peters
I am Gjalt-Jorn Peters, associate professor at the department of Theory, Methodology and Statistics at the Psychology faculty of the Open University. My career started in…
John Bechara
I’m currently a faculty member in the department of Organization Studies at the Tilburg University, and the co-coordinator of the STAB group at the same university. Prior to…
Joop Holsteyn
My name is Joop van Holsteyn — although the debate about the correct spelling of the surname (Holstein/Holsteijn/Holsteyn) among my own brothers and sisters is still…
Jurian Edelenbos
I am Jurian Edelenbos. I am a full professor in the field of interactive urban governance at the department of public administration and sociology, team governance &…
Neda Aramipour
I am Neda Aramipour, a postdoctoral researcher in the SCOOP program at the University of Groningen, specializing in social innovation, vicious cycles, and network…
Paul Kocken
I am Paul Kocken, Associate Professor of Behavior Change at Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University Rotterdam. My main area of experience is…
Rafael Wittek
I am Rafael Wittek, and am the coordinator of the sectorplan theme Societal Transitions and Behavioral Change (STAB).Since 2001, I am a full professor of Theoretical…
Simone Borsci
I am Dr Simone Borsci. The coordinator of the research teams at the University of Twente for the SSH Sector Plan. Since 2023, I have been an Associate Professor of Human…
Stefan Bogaerts
My name is Stefan Bogaerts and I am trained as a psychologist, criminologist, and psychotherapist in Belgium and in England. In 2001, I obtained my PhD and, after a brief…
Wike Been
My name is Wike Been.
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